paint production
(COALESCING AGENT e.g Texanol, ethylene glycol, butyl glycol, propylene glycol)
Last week I taught on how to fix satin sheen problem and by so doing, I debunk a myth that has to do with a coalesce agent texanol, as been responsible for satin sheen.
Today, I felt the urge to touch down on coalesce agent.
What is a coalesce agent?
Coalescing aids have a high boiling point which, when added to a paint, contributes to film formation by way of temporary plasticization
(softening) of the vehicle. These helps facilitate the transition from liquid
to solid state during the latex drying or film formation process.
Coalescing agents have been traditionally used to obtain good film formation.
Levels of coalescent affect drying time and ultimate film properties.
Important properties of a coalescing agent include: hydrolytic stability,
water solubility, evaporation rate, freezing point, odor n color.
I think sometimes, they are also referred to as anti-thaw agent .
Coalesce agent help to reduce what we call the MFFT (minimum film formation temperature) which could stand at 18⁰C.
Making that assertion, I may want to agree with the fact that texanol could "aid" sheen but not necessarily responsible for it.
On a lighter note, in this part of the world (Nigeria to be precised) we can boycott coalesce agent and not get our hands burnt for it because our weather (extremely hot most time) makes up for it😁.
Ps: I listed few coalesce agents I know and have worked with over the years, especially for the production of Stucco, at the begin of my write.☝️
I will stop 🚦here today till we meet some other time.
Stay bless and productive!
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